With the Agrello e-signature app, you can electronically sign documents, request signatures, and securely share signed documents for free.
The Agrello e-signature app is free and allows you to forget about printing, scanning, and sending contracts and agreements and get legally binding digital signatures in minutes.
You can sign any type of digital file: PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Google Docs, text, PNGs, JPGs, etc. Download Adobe PDF version of the signed documents or a secure ASIC container for digital signatures.
Requesting electronic signatures is easy: upload a file and simply add the email addresses of the signers. The signature request is immediately sent to the document signer. It takes less than a minute to set up the account and sign documents electronically.
You can easily track who signed the document through the app. Plus, you can securely share the documents with anyone who wants to review and execute the contract by simply adding their email.
Agrello's digital signature app is great for signing documents like NDAs, tax forms, real estate contracts, leases, invoices, purchase orders, financial contracts, job offers, permission slips, and work orders.
Agrello's e-signature app lets you create 3 documents and sign 3 documents for free EACH MONTH.
Agrello's digital signatures store immutable digital fingerprints and references to signers, and in the case of verified signers, references to verification documents (such as ID cards, passports, driver's licenses).
Agrello's free e-signature app is compliant with UETA, ESIGN Act, and eIDAS and recognized worldwide.
All documents are stored and exchanged with SSL encryption.
Each e-signature contains a unique timestamp, a digital fingerprint of the identity, and the signed files.
The technology is based on the world's leading digital signature and identity infrastructure.
With the Agrello app, you can get the Google Docs add-on for free and easily prepare your contract with your legal advisors, staff, and partners in the best document creation environment. Once the contract is ready, simply launch the Agrello Google Docs add-on and send it to the Agrello e-sign app for digital signatures.
Agrello is the only e-sign app that allows you to verify the identity of signers against their national ID documents such as ID cards, passports, and driver's licenses. We support over 190 countries including the USA, EU, South Africa, Philippines, Nigeria, Brazil, Mexico, etc.
The Agrello app allows users to sign ANY TYPE of documents, including PDF documents, on the go. With our e-signature app, you can save time and significantly speed up document processing.
‣ Please contact support@agrello.io
‣ https://www.agrello.io/
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‣ Twitter https://twitter.com/agrelloapp
‣ How-To Video Content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ939SlnjwRQvRpaKuA_iOw